Charity Show and Shine 2021
The 2021 Charity Show and Shine BBQ was held at the NARRA Community Centre in Simpsons Park. Newlands Arm.
Due to Covid 19 restrictions on numbers the venue had to be moved from Rick and Carrol Forbes property close by.There was quite a good role up considering the weather and the fact that Rick was only able to bring a couple of cars from his collection and others were in the same boat.We had a good representation from The Jaguar Car Club of Victoria with local register members being joined by two cars from Melbourne giving a total of 11 Jaguars present.and 18 other marques from RLCC.
New member Rob Petchell had a great day as he drew the lucky number for the $50.00 Coles Voucher and then took out the RLCC Peoples Choice Trophy. RLCC member Marg Reynolds scored the $50 Coles voucher sponsored by The JCCV and Their Jaguar XK140 Fixed Head Coupe ran of with the Jaguar Peoples Choice Trophy. Although there was a heavy downpour as we were setting up the day turned out ok. It was overcast but reasonably warm and was a pleasant change from the very hot day prior. Both Members and Cars enjoyed the mild conditions.
The venue turned out to be an excellent choice and we are indebted to Carol Forbes and NARRA Chairman and RLCC Club members George Neophytou for providing the facility on reasonable terms.
Thanks to all who helped on the day.
President David Slater welcoming Members and Guests together with the usual Covid 19 instructions
Rob Petchell with trophy and his MGB-GT
Lloyd Reynolds with trophy and his Jaguar XK140
Members and Guests checking vehicles for the Peoples Choice awards.