Coming Events
January 19th 2025 Barefoot Bowls at the Bairnsdale Golf Club- Info coming soon.
February 4th 2025 Monthly Meeting -Johnsonville Hall- 7.30 pm
Note:- There is No Monthly Meeting In January
Recent Events
RLCC Christmas Party
The 2024 Christmas Party was held at the Central Hotel Lakes Entrance.
43 members enjoyed a traditional Christmas Main course topped off with Pavlova or Mini Christmas Pudding.
Glen Newman and Carol Forbes won the $50 Gift vouchers and with Russell Marsden and Mary Henske winning bottles of wine and Penny Goddard and Mick McMullen the Christmas Chocolates.
Club President Carol Forbes wished all in attendance a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous and Happy 2025.
The Club wishes all members best wishes for the year ahead.
Thanks to Anna and Cheryl our events officers for a great day and an excellent calendar of events in 2024.
RLCC supports GERF
The Riviera Lakes Car club recently donated to the Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund and was able to present a cheque for $500 to GERF Vice President Nigel Brown while on a visit to Paynesville. The funds were raised at the Clubs Annual Charity Show and Shine hosted at Rick and Carol Forbes Residence. This is the second time the Club has been able to support GERF who makes a difference when it counts after the devastation caused to families and individuals by major emergencies in the Gippsland Region.
From left- Vice President of GERF Nigel Brown receiving the donation from RLCC President Carol Forbes with Rick Forbes and Committee Members Chris Judd and Peter Sutton.
November RCC
The November Riviera Coffee Cruise was held at Roger and Teresa Frairs home in Newlands Arm. 40 Plus members enjoyed morning coffee in their beautiful and shady gardens. The fantastic weather brought out a number of members we had not seen for a while and it was good to see the Hammonds back with their rare 1974 Leyland P76. Good also to see most of the Club convertibles travelling top down. Members enjoyed a lavish spread of coffee cakes and biscuits provided by the Club. Thanks to Roger and Teresa for hosting the event and to all who assisted on the day.
Cars looking for a shady spot
Anybody got a 44 Gallon Drum to test the boot on the Hammonds P76?
Russ Bleckly heading off on his sidecar.
Dargo Lunch run.
Ian and Jill Waters hosted the November run which was to the Dargo Hotel. 20 Members met at the Vicroads carpark for a wet and windy drive to the Pub. Members enjoyed a lovely meal and good conversation before heading back on the Dargo road in the rain. Thanks to Ian and Jill for organising the run.
2024 Charity Show and Shine (27th Oct )
The 24 Show and Shine was held at the Forbes residence in Newlands Arm. Twenty Three vehicles and a number of Motorbikes were in attendance. Morning and afternoon tea was provided by the Club with members and visitors bringing a picnic lunch. Club member Singer- Songwriter Andy Thompson entertained the gathering and funds were donated to the Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund. Pauline Judds' Desoto Fireflite Coupe (below)won the peoples choice award for the car you would like to take home.